排球·voteJRs之声为搬运海外各大乒坛的实质和JRs一道瓜分,每期都将会选定各别中心Giannis Antetokounmpo scored 20 points in the 3rd quarter. That's the most in a Finals quarter since Michael Jordan scored 22 in 1993, also vs the Suns.假名哥第三节单节获得20分,变成自1993苍老克尔-乔丹的单节22分之后,总复赛单节得分最高的球员。connordunleavyThe suns have ball movement the Bucks have Giannis太阳打共青团和少先队,雄鹿打假名哥LeBron_Jarnes“I have an army.”“We have a Hulk.”“我有千军万马”“咱们有假名浩”thechemistrychefGiannis gonna put up some Shaq numbers in the finals just to get swamped because Holiday and Middleton are playing way below expectations由于霍勒迪和米德尔顿的展现远低于预期,假名哥会在总复赛中打出少许奥尼尔的数据,而后堕入窘境。IAmNotKevinDurant_35Bro Giannis should sue Jrue and Khris for their performance today. That was fucking pathetic the way those two wasted an all time performance老哥,假名哥该当告状霍勒迪和米德尔顿即日的展现。那俩人在即日这种功夫拉胯真的可叹。I_Said_Joe_MamaGiannis proving the haters wrong only to be let down by his team假名哥打了喷子们的脸,截止球队打了他的脸。The_BadJujuJrue did good defensively tonight, even though he sucked on offense. It’s Middleton that really was horrible this game朱哥今晚固然抨击端没开,然而防止端很不错。是米德尔顿超程度拉胯了。sexycadbeast20 points in a quarter is tough. Curry never got the chance with KD joining. And he had a couple weak finals in 2015/2016 from dellavadova and injury respectively. When you average 22 points a game in the finals (in 2016), it’s hard to expect 20 points a quarter.单节得二格外很难。在KD介入好汉之后,库里也历来没有过这种数据。他在2015-2016总复赛中被伤病和戴拉维多瓦纠葛后也拉胯了几场。当你在总复赛(2016年)场均获得22分时,单节得20分是件难题。犯得着一提的是,在对太阳的系列赛中,乔丹场均获得40分。IvanJohnsonBurnerATLWhy couldn’t we get this middleton?老鹰分区用户:打咱们如何即是米神呢?WhaleSexOdysseythis team needs a tried and true second superstar to expect to compete for a title. so sad to watch for giannis man雄鹿要夺冠还须要一个超巨二住持,假名哥太难了哎。InquisitiveInFashionGiannis supremacy圣假名哥哥SDHigherScoresIt would be nice if Middleton could shoot something other than 1-for-infinity or 8-10 from the 3 pt line.Also, it is not easy to be a consistent scorer as the third option. We have seen many very good players struggle in that role. You don't get the plays called for you and it is hard to get into a rhythm. I would like Jrue to shoot better, but this is how it goes pretty often.米德尔顿要么别百投第一中学大概遽然三分第10中学8也罢啊。同声,动作球队的第三采用,变成一个宁静的得分别也不是一件简单的工作。咱们仍旧看到很多特出的球员在这个脚色上反抗。有功夫临场上阵是很难跟上节拍的,我蓄意朱哥能打得更好,表现反常也是人情世故。caltricJrue and Khris boutta be a dynamic duo on the Guangdong southern tigers朱哥和米德尔顿行将在广东宏远构成双子星。
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